A word by Ashtar Muallem
In this show, I want to talk about the situation of women in today’s societies from my point of view as a Middle Eastern female artist. I question what change I could bring in a patriarchal society that plays constantly the war game. I began by reading about women five thousand years ago in Middle Eastern mythology. Being named after a goddess I already knew that at the time, women were goddesses, priestesses, and artists too. Never the less they had their fights just like women today.
Inspired by two figures from the Sumerian mythology, a poetess called Enheduanna and a goddess known as Inanna; I started writing my movement based on the poems written by this poetess to her adored goddess Inanna of love and fertility. I felt connected to these historical characters as I get my strength and inspiration from the goddesses within; and accordingly, I deliver my art.
Enheduanna is a 45-minute performing arts piece portraying the journey of a woman in different situations of her modern life. Enheduanna,known to be the first poetess in history became a symbol to the performing artist Ashtar Muallem who embodies the poetry of Enheduanna, using aerial silk discipline and dance; taking the audience on a journey of a woman in her search for her inner temple in a collapsing world.
Creative team
Ashtar Muallem
Iman Aoun
Rami Washaha
Atallah Tarazi
Eirini Apostolatou
Isona Dodero
Raneem Turjman
A performance of
Music creation
Lighting design
Artistic advisors
Poster design
A production of
ASHTAR Theatre - Palestine
Co-produced by:
The Palestinian National Theatre, El Hakawati - Palestine
L'espace Périphérique - Ville de Paris
Supported by:
Al Mawred Al Thaqafy
Sida - Sweden through PPAN
Archaos Pôle National des Arts du Cirque - Marseille
Le Petit Théâtre Jean Macé- Laval
Nickel Chrome - Martigues